This is a project initiative I’ve anticipated for some long while now.
I’ve been aware of the Global Consciousness Project (which emerged out of the PEAR lab at Princeton University) for some while now also. In fact, I was in the room with a small handful of other geeky big-brained men (Steven Foster, Jim Fournier, Doug Piercy, Rob Miller, and Troy Lush) when the EGG (#7) was plugged into a designated computer inside a building in the city of San Francisco on October 14, 1998.
In my view, this Collective Consciousness App may be one of the most quintessential of media projects ever, and (along with the now burgeoning emergence of a new software-as-social-value class) is heralding the beginning of a more explicit articulation of the noosphere–and perhaps many more things we cannot yet imagine (such as an “Over-Language” and a Technique toward Universal Consilience).
Support this seminal project by watching the videos below, and contributing toward the crowd sourcing campaign.
CONSCIOUSNESS APP from Subtangle on Vimeo.