Elements, Principles, and Patterns for Collective Intelligence
Evolutionary Experience Design (EXD) is a transdisciplinary design philosophy combining design science, complexity science, depth psychology, experience design, and evolutionary theory to provide elements, principles, and patterns for collective intelligence. The EXD philosophy is intended as a guide for designing communities, organizations, and systems to engender greater collective intelligence.

Traditionally, User Experience (UX) design is the philosophy that guides successful products and services to be created with specific users in mind, providing them with the best experience possible.
Evolutionary Experience Design (EXD) is a radical extension of UX that designs with transformative and evolutionary principles in mind for realizing individual potential, and increasing collective intelligence. EXD integrates individual human needs with global collective needs–all within scope of greater common values of personal transformation, global health, and collective evolution.
“Collective Intelligence is any kind of large-scale intelligence that involves collectives choosing to be, think, and act together.”
~ Geoff Mulgan
Evolutionary Experience Design (EXD) originates from first principles thinking rooted in fundamentals of evolutionary philosophy.

Organizing Principles of Collective Intelligence

“Collective Intelligence (CI) is the capacity of human collectives to engage in intellectual cooperation in order to create, innovate, and invent.”
~ Pierre Levy
Evolutionary Experience Design
Elements, Principles, and Patterns for Collective Intelligence
by Michael Gaio

Coming in 2024